Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting Organized for Moving

Today's tips focus on getting organized for your move. Most people tend to jump right in to packing without planning out their move. That's understandable- taking time to plan seems like a waste of time that could be spent packing more boxes!

However, the truth is that spending just 30 minutes of planning time on your move can save you hours of time later on, as well avoiding several headaches you might incur otherwise. Here are the basics on getting a moving plan together quickly and easily:

  1. Start early- Almost everyone has more stuff than they think they do, and almost no one leaves enough time to pack it.
  2. Room Lists- Start by forming two room lists, one for your current place and one for future place. This will help you manage what has to go where.
  3. Room Inventory- Go to each room and write down the types of things that need to be packed: furniture items, length of shelving, closets, etc.
  4. Time Allotment- Make sure to leave enough time. The most common timeframe reported by people moving is that it takes a month to pack. One study reported that it takes 4-5 hours to pack an average dorm room, so that should give you an idea of what’s involved.
  5. Calendar- Pull out a calendar and plan by day when each room will be completed.
  6. Delegation- If you’re moving with family members, agree with them exactly while tasks they will be doing and the date they will be finished.
  7. Track your progress- at least once per week track where you are against the date on the calendar. Revise your plan if you’re falling behind.
  8. Plan to finish a week ahead of time- This is a sneaky one. If you plan to finish a week in advance and then you don't quite make it, you'll have some cushion to complete the tasks. If you don't have that planned for and you run out of time, you'll be in a very difficult position.
  9. Check out the 101 Best Moving Tips Ever (2009 Edition) for a comprehensive list of great tips.
  10. Take a look at our free, printable, complete moving checklist to help keep all your moving tasks straight.

What techniques do you use to keep your move organized? What tools have you found work well, and which ones did you find to be a waste of time?

I look forward to hearing from you.

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