Thursday, July 2, 2009

Moving Checklist: 2 Weeks Prior to Move

Continuing the them of the moving checklist this week, here is an itemized list of tasks for 2 weeks prior to the move. The tasks for 4 weeks prior to the move were published earlier this week. You may also view our free Ultimate Moving Checklist (click here) to see the entire list at one time, along with categories and priorities already assigned.

c Make arrangements to return items.

Here are some critical items to return prior to moving:

__ Cable/ satellite receiver boxes, remote controls, dishes
__ Cable/DSL modems
__ Carpet shampooer
__ Clothing (borrowed)
__ DVD and video game rentals
__ Library books (neighborhood and school)
__ Tools (borrowed or rented)
__ Trash cans/ recycle bins
__ Unwanted purchases
c Make arrangements to retrieve items.

Be sure to retrieve any of the following items:
__ Clothing at dry cleaners, tailors or in storage
__ Clothing lent to friends
__ Items at repair shops
__ Tools lent to neighbors or friends
c Open bank accounts near your new address.

You may want to open a new safe deposit box at the same time, and move all vital papers and/or jewelry into the box in advance. That way you don’t have to worry about them on moving day.

c Create one “Open Me First” box for each room.

You’ll need to access certain packed items almost immediately after you arrive, and they need to be packed together in special boxes (one per room) and marked with either bright red markers or special stickers so you can spot them easily. The specific rooms are:

__ aluminum foil
__ break-proof or disposable flatware, cups, and plates
__ coffee maker (don’t forget the filters!)
__ dish detergent
__ frying pan and spatula
__ pet food and bowels
__ scissors
__ tea kettle

Main Bathroom:
__ bath mat
__ bath towels
__ first-aid kit (aspirin, band-aids, hydrogen peroxide)
__ hair dryer
__ shampoo
__ shower curtain and rings
__ soap
__ toothbrushes and toothpaste

Tool room or drawer:
__ batteries
__ duct tape
__ flashlight
__ flat-head screwdriver
__ hammer
__ level
__ Phillips-head screwdriver
__ picture hangers
__ tape measure
__ utility knife

c Finish off packing for “non-living” rooms.

You want to be completed for non-essential rooms such as the basement, garage, attic, utility rooms, etc. so you can focus on main living areas in the last weeks.

c Start eating up perishable food from freezer and refrigerator.

Consider holding a “Packing Party.”
Invite trusted friends over for a “Farewell Packing Party.” Provide free food and drinks, provide upbeat background music, and allow friends to tackle projects that require little supervision, such as packing books or pots and pans. Have friends take pictures and send you copies.

c Hold a yard sale.

You might be surprised to learn that you can earn a few hundred dollars by selling non-essential items, earning you cash and making your move more efficient.

Completing these tasks will have you well on your way to Moving Day success.

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